Synapteos (2014)

Exploring the Virtual Cosmic Sublime

The name Synapteos was derived from the Greek sýnapsis (connection, fusion) and Ēōs (dawn). This title represents the idea of a new age of interconnectedness between humans and the universe, as well as an imagined post-human integration with technology that allows for extraterrestrial exploration. 

In 2013 I had this idea – what if I could create an art installation where participants could share minds with an alien? Using the then-novel Oculus Rift VR headset, I created a multimedia body of work that centered on this concept, which included concept sketches, painting, costume design, art installations, and a site-specific VR art piece that used bespoke motion controls built into a custom low-poly chair.

The themes of universal consciousness, transcendence, and inner transformation embodied in this body of work are primarily inspired by Frank White’s The Overview Effect and Immanuel Kant’s Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime.

© Brian Beams 2024
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